List of posts with the tag: Rapunzel

Tangled Ever After – The Pursuit

A new teaser video for the short Tangled Ever After, where Rapunzel and Flynn are celebrating their wedding. Both mascots, the horse and the chameleon are chasing the wedding rings, so the event is in pause until their return. This video is the second part of Tangled Ever After – The Rings Release Date: 13…

January 19th, 2012
Short: Tangled Ever After – The Rings

After the huge success for Disney about its first princess/fairy tale movie in the format of 3D animation, they will release a short about Tangled, directly to be seen in Disney Channel. It will be shorter than 6 minutes, and it is titled: Tangled Ever After Plot: The kingdom is a buzz over the royal…

January 8th, 2012
Animations, Movies
1 comment
Rapunzel meets Spider-Man

Rapunzel (from Disney’s film Tangled) meets Spider-Man (from Marvel Comics). Nice and interesting couple. Title: Fancy meeting you Author: bri-chan at DeviantArt Prisma markers and prismacolor pencils.

April 21st, 2011
1 pages

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