List of posts with the tag: Bathroom

Deleted scene of Britney Spears in Jackass 3D

Actor Johnny Knoxville in an interview in the show Jimmy Kimmel Live, showed a deleted scene from Jackass 3D that included Britney Spears being throed away inside a portable bathroom. FANTASTIC !!!

March 31st, 2011
Celebrities doing a duckface

It probably is a new odd fashion, but several celebrities think they look cool if they make a duckface every time somebody takes a photo.

March 27th, 2011
Sheldon Cooper in JAIL in The Big Bang Theory S03E16

This is a preview for the next episode: The Excelsior Acquisition which will air in March 1st 2010. Poor Sheldon. Spoilers A minor traffic infraction lands Sheldon in court and his lack of delicacy with the judge will condemn him to jail, causing him to miss a public autograph session with Stan Lee at the…

February 16th, 2010
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