List of posts with the tag: Logo
Logorama, Full Movie, a great animated short with Logos
Logorama is a 15 min animated short made using only Trade Mark Logos as characters and scenarios. It was made with 2,500 logos, by the French Animation Studiom H5 and Minuit Productions. I always knew that Ronald McDonald was an evil clown. Song of the end credits: I Don’t Want to Set the World on… |
February 16th, 2010 Movies 17 comments |
Firefox socks are sold in China
Chinese are famous for coping things and producing large quantities of any product. When they have an item with no mark or logo, they just copy-paste any from Internet. Time is money and they sell very cheap. This time, a company is selling socks for men with the Firefox logo in its label Probably the… |
January 20th, 2010 WTF 0 comments |